Why Balance Is Important For Your Golf Swing

By: peaksports-admin | Posted: 03/16/2017

Whether you are a person learning to play for the first time or a professional, swinging a golf club is an extremely complex set of movements through the entire body. Every joint of the body plays a roll in to making a smooth transition from your set up to backswing and to your downswing and follow through.

One major component of the swing is balance. To start is balance on both legs, and being able to control pressure through both feet when you stand  at (address) the ball. When you are on a tee or a flat fairway, pressure through your feet should be fairly even, and you would think that you don’t need to worry about your double limb (2 legged) stance, which is easy enough. But unless you hit the fairway 100% of the time on the most perfect location that you have an even stance, you are going to have to have good double limb support.  Most shots not including the drive are typically not on even surfaces, even if you are in the fairway. You will need to be able to have a comfortable stance with your feet not perfectly aligned.

Now comes your swing…..we’ll take a right handed golfer as an example. When you start bringing the club back and we look at your hips, in order to keep your hips and torso level, you will be shifting weight more on to your right (back) leg. At the top of your backswing, you should have around 70% of your weight on the back leg and 30% on the front. What people don’t also realize is that if you start working on weight shifting and balance, and you are putting too much weight through your toes, you are going to lose power. You should have a split of about 35% of weight on your toes and 65% on your heel. This will allow you to stay down in your stance as you start coming through and drive through the pelvis rather than stand up.

With your swing, as you are coming down and hitting the ball, you are shifting your weight from the right leg back to both and then on to the left for your follow through.  On the follow-through, the swing's momentum should carry you to a full, balanced position, with almost all of your weight over your left foot. Your finish helps dictate your swing. Finish in balance and it's a good bet your entire swing was in balance. If you're stumbling at the finish, chances are your rhythm and timing are off, and the shot less than satisfying.

A good golf swing is a smooth transition or weight and power through many different positions. The better balance you have, the better outcome of your swing will be.

We have Titleist Performance Specialists at our clinics that are willing to help your body allow you to have the best, most fluid golf swing.

Give us a call if you want help with your golf swing!

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