Kelly Frick


Kelly earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Washington and her MPT at
University of Southern California in 1994. She is a Washington native, living up north in Lake Stevens
near the mountains. She loves the outdoors and has been a hiker and skier for 30+ years. She has 28
years of experience working with orthopedic populations including post operative care, spinal
stabilization programs, athletic injuries, and geriatric populations.
Kelly strives to help her patients get back to the things they love to do and teach them to manage their
own therapy for the future.

Education & Accomplishments

  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology - University of Washington
  • Masters of Physical Therapy - University of Southern California
Kelly Frick
Physical Therapist, PT
(206) 417-1298

Looking For More?

We'll create a program for you at the clinic and at home, both will improve your condition. We strongly value your input during the course of treatment too.
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Maple Valley