Dr. Justin Shelley


Justin was born and raised in New York state. After earning his physical therapy degree, he
worked as a travel staffing physical therapist, spending time in California, Arizona, Illinois, and
Washington. He relocated to the greater Seattle area in 2013, having been drawn to the
region’s natural beauty.
With 13 years as a practicing physical therapist primarily in the outpatient orthopedic setting,
he has developed into a highly effective, professional, and compassionate provider. He believes
that the most effective patient outcomes result from a combination of skilled manual therapy,
movement (exercise), effective instruction and communication, as well as incorporating current
PT research.
Justin enjoys hiking, landscape photography, reading, and fellowship with his faith community.

Education & Accomplishments

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Saint Augustine for Health Sciences, 2009
  • Manual Therapy Certified (MTC) - University of Saint Augustine for Health Sciences
  • APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP)
  • Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance, Level I instructor
  • Active member APTA & PTWA
  • Eclectic continuing education experience with advanced training in the PRI sensory
    integration treatment approach
Dr. Justin Shelley
Physical Therapist, PT, DPT, MTC
(206) 417-1298

Looking For More?

We'll create a program for you at the clinic and at home, both will improve your condition. We strongly value your input during the course of treatment too.
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Maple Valley