Like so many other Physical Therapy professionals, Christine discovered PT through having been injured herself. "I went in for PT and became so distracted by the thought of Physical Therapy as a profession, I almost completely forgot about my own injury. I was instantly enthralled.", she says. Having worked for years as a Vet Assistant, Phlebotomist and Medical Assistant, she made the switch to Physical Therapy and hasn't looked back since. Christine has been a high school and college track and cross country runner and Intercollegiate Horse Show Association competitor in Hunt Seat and Western. She continued to run throughout the years and has participated in every distance from 5k to Marathon.
Her varied healthcare background and lifelong participation in sports and building friendships with recreational athletes of all ages has given Christine a unique insight into what an injured patient may be going through. "I believe in positivity during treatments and that celebrating on-going small and modest goals will help a person have a successful outcome." Christine enjoys treating all ages (but has a soft spot for the "mature" population) and all manner of injuries.
In her free time, Christine enjoys hanging out with her husband and two teenagers, gardening, and riding her horse!