Carrie Morris


Carrie has been practicing for over 25 years in the Puget Sound region, primarily in outpatient clinics.  She is a graduate of the University of Puget Sound where she played collegiate soccer.  She enjoys running and triathlon competition and is actively involved in speed and agility training for young athletes. With her extensive sports background, she has the knowledge to create specific return to sports programs for her patients. Carrie uses patient education, exercise, manual therapy techniques and modalities, as needed, for rehabilitation. Her special interests are in exercise education and return to sport strength, and agility training.

Education & Accomplishments

  • Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy – University of Puget Sound
  • Special interest in running & return to sport rehab
  • Over 25 years of experience in outpatient orthopedic clinics
Carrie Morris
Physical Therapist, PT
(206) 417-1298

Looking for more?

We'll create a program for you at the clinic and at home, both will improve your condition. We strongly value your input during the course of treatment too.
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Maple Valley